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OLIVIA(Olivia Lufkin)是AVEX(艾回)旗下廠牌cutting edge中的一個雙語歌手。Olivia出生於日本沖繩,但是在美國居住了大約6年。小時候以美國的費城、聖地牙哥、日本的沖繩等地為據點度過了她的童年。從小學開始,藉著參加音樂學校及音樂劇的經驗而發現自己對唱歌的熱愛。她在沖繩演藝學校就讀時被發掘,並被邀請加入eurobeat團體「D&D」。她接受了邀請,並在1996年以單曲《IN YOUR EYES》出道。這個團體並不是十分成功,之後Olivia決定單飛。
Olivia的音樂風格從最初的偶像風變成了實驗搖滾(experimental rock)。她現在所有的作品均由自己寫作與編曲。Olivia在2004年專輯《The Lost Lolli》的發行後休整了兩年,復出後為矢澤愛的漫畫《NANA》TV版演唱片尾曲《A Little Pain》。在那之後她還為這部動畫演唱了許多歌曲。
Sometimes When We Touch

Sometimes When We Touch
Olivia Ong
You ask me if I love you and I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly then mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you on what you say or do
I'm only just beging to see the real you
And sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you till I die till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
Romance and all it's stategy leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity some tenderness surves
I'm just another writer still trapped within my truch
A hesitant prize fighter still trapped within my youth
And sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you till I die till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
At times I'd like to break you and drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through and hold you endlessly
At times I understand you and I know how hard you've tried
I've watched while love commands you and I've watched love pass you by
At times think we're drifters still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister but then the passion flares again
And sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you till I die till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides
Olivia的其他親戚也是音樂家。她的弟弟Jeff組建了一個樂隊,而她的妹妹Caroline是美國地下廠牌Temporary Records旗下的一個電子樂歌手。Olivia還曾經為Caroline的專輯做美工編輯。綜合了NINE INCH NAILS所代表的重工業搖滾(哥德式)的部份,以及bjork的適合舞動的輕快曲風、還有令人不禁會想起北歐的幻想式美學,OLIVIA 奧莉維亞以她那天賦的高亢圓潤的嗓音把她那夢幻的音樂性擴散出去,不隻是以日本的眼光,以世界眼光來看OLIVIA 奧莉維亞的世界觀也是獨一無二的。

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